There have been a lot of changes here at Tikun Olam lately. Not in terms of content, but in terms of graphics, site design and other technical issues. Yesterday and today I moved servers. It was more complicated than I expected (isn’t it always) and the site wasn’t available for parts of both days. But I had the help of two wonderful folks, Carthik Sharma and Jonathan at DigitalToast who kept at it despite all the frustrating technical problems. We’re now moved over to the new server which will serve pages much faster than our previous one. I’m also expecting much less down time than we had before.
In the past week or so I also changed the theme of this blog. I hope you’re enjoying the slideshow banner as much as I’m enjoying finding images that express some of my Jewish and political values. I’ve always felt that even political blogs should not be satisfied with merely words on a page. The blog medium needs to be visual. This new theme, Living OS Upsilon, allows me to do this. With the help of a web designer Wajahath Dean, I’ve also tweaked the theme so that the post display area is wider to accommodate my longer posts.
If you have any technical difficulties with any aspect of the site please let me know.
It seems that the left-alignment on the comment thread is set too far to the left – I am unable to read the first characters of each line. That said, this has been the case since you changed the format on your blog, not since yesterday when you changed your server.
I appreciated your comments on Phil’s site concerning J-Street. Your hopeful attitude is preferable to my rank cynicism.
Sometimes I just can’t help it though. Perhaps you’re right, and J. Ben-Ami’s true agenda is one that he won’t publicize – one that involves really fighting for the – how did you put it? – soul of American Jewry. What he DID publicize seemed to me to make him somewhat of an apologist for AIPAC, while at the same time emphasizing the right-wing nature of the Christian Zionists as being just as or more important than that of right-wing organized Jewry, which I disagree with totally.
Christian Zionists = votes
Organized American Jewry = campaign money
Campaign money buys and influences votes.
The slide show and the images are great! A wonderful idea!
Looks great – and I have to get a kick out of a reader compalaining the text is “aligned too far to the left!” Richard – you just can’t help yourself aligning to the left can you 🙂
I enjoy everything about your site, Richard; the graphics, the content, the commenters, your interaction with the posters, and the thoughtful examination of issues that affect us all.
Thank you so much for the effort that you put into all this.
You a teacher in the truest sense of the word.
I like the new format. The old one was good, but this one’s more elegant & visually diverse. The visuals are particularly strong.