News reports from Pakistan claim a new audiotape from Osama bin Laden speaks favorably about a McCain presidency:
Inshallah, we’re looking forward to four more years of Bush policies with this McCain fellow. George Bush has been good for us and we think McCain could be even better. Imagine, he might even widen the war against us and persuade more shahids to join our cause. McCain, we wish you well in ’08.
Barack Obama immediately released a statement attacking the “endorsement:”
“If Senator McCain is favored by Al Qaeda, I think people can make judgements accordingly.”
John McCain complained that Senator Obama had “lost his bearings” and that he, McCain, reserved the right to jump into bed with any Christian evangelical and Islamist slimeballs crazy enough to endorse him.
On a separate tangent. I’ve thought of some new smear names for Barack Obama: Obamasama and Obamahama[s]. Cool, no? How long before you start seeing them in the right-wing blogosphere? Bets anyone?
Thanks to reader SimoHurtta for the above idea.
So this settles it. osama wants mccain, hamas wants obama
proving yet again that the only real choise is hillary clinton.
@aha: Maybe for you that’s the only real choice. Others like me feel quite differently.
The Bush/Cheney, AIPAC and Israeli policies have played right into the hands of Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic extremists everywhere. Now McCain, AIPAC and Israel want to expland the war into Iran making OSB one happy fella — it makes perfect sense that he has endorsed McCain. Thanks for that info, Richard.
I would like to contribute to the new Jewish organization which will lobby Congress against the insane policies of AIPAC. Thanks for that piece of good news — please repeat the website so that I can send in a contribution. Is George Soros helping?
@Jeanne Capozzoli:
I wish it was April 1st so I could say: “April Fools!” But the post WAS meant tongue in cheek. Osama hasn’t endorsed McCain. But I did mean to draw a connection bet. McCain’s ridiculous smears of Obama for the Hamas “endorsement” & the impact that a McCain presidency would have on Al Qaeda.
Jeanne, here is the Web site you asked for (I don’t know if Soros is involved or not):
While I’m at it, definitely check out Jeremy Ben-Ami’s recent “5 Myths on Who’s Really ‘Pro-Israel'” op-ed in the Washington Post:
George Soros wrote about a yr ago or so that he didn’t plan to be involved in this project. I wrote a post about it & linked to his article. This disappointed me quite a bit. But Morton Halperin, who is Soros’ chief aide in the Open Society project IS on the J Street board & so keeps an open line of communication to Soros. Hopefully, a time will come when Soros will feel he can be more openly supportive.
I hope you don’t take this the wrong way Richard, but I think you are painting yourself into a corner with your advocacy for Obama. Please keep in mind that this is, ultimately, a politician. Part of his job is to say things that appeal to you. I’m not saying you shouldn’t endorse him or encourage others to vote for him, but I think it’s a mistake to put all your hope in him. Perhaps I’m wrong, but that is the impression I get from looking at your site.
It’s always important to hold your leaders’ feet to the fire.