John McCain has decided: let the smears begin. And so campaign silly season has arrived with a vengeance. It seems a Hamas spokesperson told a WABC interviewer that Obama would be as a good a president as John Kennedy. That was enough for McCain to let the fur fly:
Senator John McCain…portrayed the Democratic contender as being the favorite of Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, and implied that he would also be friendly with Iran, a Hamas ally.
Speaking at a news conference in New Jersey, Mr. McCain said he believed that comments made by a Hamas leader approving Mr. Obama’s candidacy were “a legitimate point of discussion…”
Obama tried to fight fire with fire saying McCain:
was “losing his bearings” and engaging in “smear” tactics. “My policy toward Hamas has been no different than his,” Mr. Obama said in an interview on CNN.
McCain has indeed lost his bearings if he ever had any. But the true indication that he has lost either his bearings or his marbles is this:
Mr. McCain has taken pride in the enmity with which he regards Hamas. “I think that the people should understand that I will be Hamas’s worst nightmare,” he said late last month in a conference call with conservative bloggers.
Conversely, he has tried to portray Mr. Obama as sympathetic to Hamas.
“I think it is very clear who Hamas wants to be the next president of the United States,” Mr. McCain said to the bloggers. “If Senator Obama is favored by Hamas, I think people can make judgments accordingly.”
Oooohhh, I can just feel the shivers going up and down Khaled Meshal’s spine: John McCain is going to be my own worst nightmare. Who does McCain think he’s fooling? What can he possibly do to Hamas? Shut down all those fat U.S. bank accounts its leaders maintain? Turn away Meshal’s son from attending Yale? Send in commandos to liberate Gaza from the iron hand of Hamas? He reminds me of the old silverback gorilla in the zoo pounding his chest as he remembers those glory days when he could command the gorilla world’s attention. Dream on, John.
As for who Hamas is supporting for president…I didn’t know they had a say in the matter. Does Ahmed Yousef, who compared Obama to Kennedy, vote? Is he a Chicago ward heeler? Then who the f(&k cares?
The militant Israel-First wingnutosphere practically creamed in their pants when David Duke republished without my permission one of my Comment is Free essays (Duke subsequently removed it at my insistence). Only in the minds of wingnuts like the former does it signify anything that another extremist loon thinks highly enough of your work to steal it. If David Duke features my work what does that mean? That I have anything in common with David Duke? That I have anything to answer for? No. Just as Obama has nothing to answer for. And those like McCain who try to claim otherwise should be seen for the whorish smearmongers that they are.
It’s going to be a long, hot campaign. But John, we’ll be watching you every step of the way.
If you believe Obama is covering up his real views (as McSame seems to think) and therefore agrees on most I/P matters with you, Hamas, Hezbollah, Ahmadinejad, and David Duke – what could possibly be wrong with that?
It would be interesting to know if Osama bin Laden would say McCain would be their favourite as US president, would Obama say to the bloggers. “If Senator McCain is favored by AlQaida, I think people can make judgements accordingly.”
Undoubtedly Al Qaida would want an as Bush like president in USA as possible. The more extreme the better for AL Qaida.
US politics is “interesting” how the candidates are nowadays demanded to bear the responsibility for all possible peoples’ comments. Even people who have very remote or no link at all with the candidate.
Einstein – throwing Richard in with extremists the way you did is incredibly dishonest and an example of the mindless smearmongering he was talking about in his post.
but its true, they said it flat out more than once. they like him, they want him. the truth hurrts.
be smart and vote hillary
@aha: With supporters like you it’s no wonder she’s going to lose the primary.