Today, Judge John Reid of Los Angeles Superior Court issued a tentative ruling requiring Rachel Neuwirth to pay my attorneys $7,000 for the legal work they did defending the libel case she brought against me. One of the provisions of the SLAPP (Selective Lawsuit Against Public Participation) law which we used as our defense is that those who bring frivolous lawsuits can be penalized by having to pay the defendant’s attorney’s fees. Hence our award. She will also have to pay Joel Beinin’s attorney fees.
Congratulations, Richard.
Good news!
I just heard that an Israeli appeals court threw out the judgment that Neve Gordon won against Steven Plaut, who I recall is one of your nemeses. They ordered Gordon to pay back 90% of the damages he received from Plaut, but they let him keep 10% as a signal that people shouldn’t use the Shoah in public discourse.
You read that at Frontpagemagazine or heard it from someone who reads that gutter rag. Try reading a legitimate media source like the Chronicle of Higher Education which reports that the appeals court UPHELD the ruling against Plaut. It did reduce the fine to 10,000 shekels. But it upheld that using Nazi abuse against someone in political debate in Israel is asur. Why don’t you try reading a real news source before you make yr judgments?
Great news, Richard. I suppose Stand With Us will cover her losses, but it’s still sweet satisfaction.
Great news, Richard!
Cheers 🙂
Yes, some rich right-winger will come to her aid. But she has all that money she won from Hillel & Chaim Seidler Feller to dip into if no one comes to her aid.