6 thoughts on “Avigdor Lieberman Calls Yesh Gvul and War Crimes Lawyer ‘Kapos’ – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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    1. Your brain has been floating for quite some time. You are an irreligious Jew ignorant of the meaning of Tikkun Olam. First of all, it is Tikkun HaOlam. Secondly, it does not mean repairing the world. It means safeguarding society. You maliciously oppose Israeli leaders such as Lieberman for seeking to safeguard Israeli society against your fictitious smears against Israel and her people. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. My suggestion? Make an online apology for maligning Israel since your retirement, study Jewish religion from the source texts, learn Hebrew, and live in Sderot for a year. Having done all this, you will no longer be the apostate Jew you currently are.

      1. Miriam, you are an am ha-aretz. Look it up in your dictionary. You presume to correct my understanding of Hebrew & I have two degrees in Jewish studies including a masters in Hebrew literature. Really, Miriam. You’ve heard the term chutzpah? There is no difference in Hebrew between saying tikun olam & tikun ha-olam. They both mean the same thing. As for your spurious mistranslation–it does NOT mean safeguarding society. It means repairing or mending the world. Period.

        As for being ashamed of oneself, you should be ashamed of attempting to pull the wool over our eyes & make us believe that you have a shred of knowledge of Hebrew, or Israeli politics. It’s you who need a Hebrew ulpan before you embarrass yrself even more than you have here.

  1. Mr. Silverstein,

    Don’t pull your phoney intellectual shtick with me. I am a doctor of medicine and a Reform Rabbi with a masters degree in Talmudic studies.

    Tikkun Ha-olam is a Mishnaic term originating in Masekhta Gittin. It means safeguarding society, nothing else.

    Typical of irreligious Jews like yourself who hate Israel and its people, you fail to address my overwhelming critique of your persona – that is, you are making money out of slandering Israel to cater to your ego. All your slanders are pure propaganda, not one has a shred of truth, let alone a half- truth.

    I have been highly successful in helping to dislodge the likes of Finkelstein and Pappe from their privileged perches in academe. So you can rest assured I will not hesitate to expose your brazen mendacity and topple you from your smart-alec pissing perch.

    This may require me to file a law suit against you for disseminating hatred and aiding and abetting terrorist organizations outlawed by the US government unless you fess up and admit you are an unreconstructed disloyal Jew who is going to mend his ways.

    1. Well, it seems you are not Miriam Garfinkle at all. Googling “your” name I discovered this:

      If you are actually interested in these women [who occupied the Israeli consulate in Toronto protesting Israel’s invasion of Gaza] and what they have to say you can contact the spokeswomen:

      Dr. Miriam Garfinkle:



      It just so happens that the name and e mail address you provided when you published yr comment matches precisely that of a left-wing Canadian Jew who opposes Israeli policy in Gaza. So either you’re a fraud or have a split personality.

      UPDATE: This person is not only impersonating the real Miriam Garfinkle, he’s been sending threatening e-mails for years to progressive Jews under various names, among them “His Eminence the Very Rev Charles Edgbaston, D.D., Ph.D.” The e-mails all originate from the very same IP address: The amount of dissembling, dissimulation and sockpuppetry is starting to remind me of a Nabokov novel.

      Instead of a rabbi I think you’ve just been given a furlough from a mental facility. Either that or you’re lying or the standards of the Reform movement have fallen considerably. Just so we can trust you, tell me where you did your studies & what yr. you obtained smicha.

      The Alkalay dictionary translates tikun olam as “”putting the world aright,” reforming the universe.” Wikipedia translates it as “repairing the world” or “perfecting the world.” Tikun Olam originates in the Mishnah, but if you bothered to read my About page you’ll find that my use of the term derives from the Zohar. You have heard of it, haven’t you, Rabbi Garfinkle? And with your wide Judaic knowledge you’d be forced to concede that a phrase that might have one meaning in one historic era might have quite a diff. meaning in a later period. Or didn’t you learn this concept in rabbinical school?

      my overwhelming critique of your persona

      I was so busy laughing about the “persona” of rabbi you’ve adopted I hadn’t time to notice the convincing job you’d done of eviscerating my persona–or was it my aura?

      you are making money out of slandering Israel

      I am indeed. With all the millions that the Saudis are paying me, not to mention those under the table payments from Hamas, I’m earning in the mid-three figures here at this blog. At this rate, I”ll be a millionaire in a few light years time.

      I have been highly successful in helping to dislodge the likes of Finkelstein and Pappe from their privileged perches in academe.

      At first I was angry, but now I realize you’ve confused yrself with Alan Dershowitz. Or are you his amanuensis? Have you been taking yr meds?

      I will not hesitate to expose your brazen mendacity and topple you from your smart-alec pissing perch.

      No, I’m house-trained. I know how to go in the toilet. I don’t bother with a pissing perch anymore.

      But do topple me. I love the smell of napalm in the morning from the likes of you. It’s quite entertaining really. But next time you publish a comment here I’d like you to produce a note from your psychiatrist saying it’s all right for you to do so. I wouldn’t want to disturb that thin veil of sanity to which you cling.

      If you need my personal address in order to serve me with the suit, I’ll be happy to provide it. Or better yet, I’ll provide your lawyer with my lawyer’s name and contact info so we can get the ball rolling. Best of all, I’ll provide you with the names and e mail addresses of every other pro-Israel extremist who’s threatened me with a lawsuit & perhaps you can pool your resources and sue me en masse. I hope you do. It will do more to promote my views than 100 blogs posts here.

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