10 thoughts on “Those Israeli Ministers Are Clever, Aren’t They? – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I agree with you that those are useless suggestions. What Israel needs to do is stop the bombardment of its cities and communities in the proximity of the Gaza strip. That is the governments obligation to its citizens. The only way to do that is to completely conquer the Gaza strip and rid it of its weapons and fighters and those that give them material support. Israel is capable of doing this, it requires some leadership though.

  2. Should we totally sell our birthright for a mess of Kassams?
    I am not one who holds Israel to a higher standard than the
    other nations of the world, but certainly we should not be

  3. I am not sure what yr comment means? Who is saying that Israel will cease to exist because of Qassam rocket attacks? If you really want the Qassams to stop you have to look at the larger picture. A peace agreement bet. Israel and the Palestinians will stop the Qassams. But Olmert refuses to even consider such talks.

  4. I don’t disagree with you about a peace treaty. My earlier post spoke to
    Israael losing it’s soul if it continually sinks to the lowest level, even if I
    grant the sense in a military solution, which I don’t.

    I meant that our birthright is a moral one, which your article
    points out that we are violating.


  5. My earlier post spoke to
    Israael losing it’s soul if it continually sinks to the lowest level

    Forgive me for misunderstanding you. I get so many negative comments here fr. folks disagreeing vehemently w. me that I didn’t understand that your comment was agreeing w. my pt of view.

  6. As I wrote here, the width of the double standard is absolutely ridiculous. A similar situation happens in Lebanon, and they level the area.

    If Israel even aims in the general direction, the UN Secretary General is standing by with a camera to check for collateral civilian damage.

    No country in the world would tolerate bombardment across the border. Why is Israel expected to, and understand the ‘reason’s and make concessions to stop it???

  7. My pt. is not to belittle the effect they have on Sderot. My pt. is to acknowledge the mutual terror rained down on both Sderot and Gaza with Israeli terror being far more lethal & effective than Palestinian terror. Both sides suffer. My goal is acknowledge both & do what I can to try to end the pain on both sides.

  8. No country in the world would tolerate bombardment across the border. Why is Israel expected to, and understand the ‘reason’s and make concessions to stop it???

    No one is suggesting that Israel “understand the reasons.” The Qassam shelling is odious. But so is the ongoing Israeli Occupation. There is a simple way to end all of this. Return to 67 borders.

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