5 thoughts on “CNN Correspondent Demands First Muslim Congressman Prove He is Not ‘With the Enemy’ – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Oh my god! I just watched this clip and I am speechless, falling out of my chair………………… okay, let me get myself composed…. WOW… was this guy reprimanded or fired by CNN?

  2. Lenny: I’m sorry to say that this type of garbage is probably precisely why they hired him. CNN is struggling in a ratings battle with FOX & trying to outFOX FOX by hiring cretins like Beck. If CNN had journalistic standards they wouldn’t have hired him in the first place. So I’m afraid expecting even a slap on the wrist would be too much to expect. They might’ve even bought him a drink & given him a slap on the back (maybe not literally, but metaphorically).

  3. I seem to recall, when JFK was running for President, that there was some background fear-mongering about him possibly in cahoots with the Vatican. The outsider-baiting never stops, the phobes just change their targets. Though I have to say, the fear-mongering about Muslims seems to have sunk to whole new lows.

  4. I don’t see the issue being made over this interview… Beck is asking whats on many peoples minds, this is good journalism.

  5. I don’t see the issue being made over this interview… Beck is asking whats on many peoples minds, this is good journalism.

    “Good journalism?” Surely you jest. Glenn Beck is as good a journalist as Hitler was a humanitarian. Beck is a hit man of a journalist. And Keith Ellison is not the only interviewee who he’s insulted in the same manner. He practices Fox-style ambush journalism & that’s certainly why CNN hired him (to catch up in the ratings on FOX).

    Those ridiculous statements are only on the minds of you, Beck, the neocons, the Arab haters, & other FOX-aligned viewers. That makes up maybe 25% of America. The rest of us are disgusted.

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