14 thoughts on “U.S. Former-Ambassador to Syria, Israel Calls for Ending Syrian Freeze – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Interesting stuff as always here. I want to focus my comment on the Baker angle you bring up. My prediction: You are right that Daddy has brought the family consigliere in to clean up the son’s mess. So now Junior will have the perfect excuse to change course, oh sorry we’re not staying a course now.. excuse me. Baker has been hired to provide cover for Bush’s retreat. He will be hardpressed to ignore Baker’s advice for many reasons. If he does, then we will be seeing the rebellion of the stupid son against his father’s shackles. If that happens then things will really get interesting. Unfortunately, we are talking human lives here so maybe I shouldnt be so flippant.

  2. It seems fairly clear that if the Golan Heights are returned to Syria then Israel — and Lebanon too — will find themselves even more within the shadow of that nation’s physical policies than they are now. One need not even think about Iran’s plans for the future map of the middle east.

    If we in these United States have finally decided to remove our support for Israel and to allow her to simply crumble into a short historical memory similar to that which followed the events of 70AD then perhaps Messrs. Baker and Djerijian would care to tell us what they plan to do with the millions of Jews now living in what they are pleased to call their own ‘homeland.’

    Is there a plan of evacuation, or are we simply going to allow matters to follow their own course as we did when, once, a couple of million Armenians were slaughtered in that very same arena?

    Surely Mr. Djerijian’s father did not come to this country to spend years in difficult labor, simply in order to educate his sons so that they might forget such history.


    As a small – entirely irreligious – child growing up in Jackson Heights, NY during the 1940’s and 50’s I thought that my parent’s fears of anti-semitism were a “tad hysterical” until several of my non-Jewish friends (including one of Armenian heritage who later became quite prominent in the U.S. State Department) joined together one night to throw rocks at me as I walked along the street; each yelling “Dirty Jew!” as they did so. The Armenian boy was later brought to our front door by his father where, crying bitterly, he was forced to apologize. “I can’t understand it,” said the boy’s father to my own mother, “they were always such good friends!” I couldn’t understand it either. I still don’t but I accept it as fact; then and now.

    There are many situations which are difficult to understand, at least for me, in this life and anti-semitism, particularly the hatred of Jews, is one of them but I know that it exists everywhere upon the Planet. Perhaps because I am not religious, was never ‘Bar-Mitvohed’, have never visited Israel, am married to a Christian woman, and do not resemble anything other than a blue-eyed, sandy haired, western European, I am made privy to this hatred from its very source by people who simply do not realize that they are speaking to a Jewish “friend.”

    This is why I find it so very difficult to understand when someone who describes himself as an orthodox Jew responds to my concern about the possible Israeli surrender of the Golan Heights with the statement “a tad hysterical.”

  4. You are characterisitic of a psychological trauma we Jews sometimes have whereby we believe that events that happened in 70CE or 1492CE or when we were 8 years old will happen now as well because circumstances in the world or our own lives have not changed since then. But the truth is that circumstances do & have changed. You were a young child when you were pummeled so cruelly by those children. You are now an adult. You are now capable of taking care of yourself & excoriating that child who taunted you with terrible names. But the problem is that psychologically you are still that young child & have never come to see yrself as an adult Jew capable of taking care of yrself.

    Similarly, you were being hysterical in imagining that because the U.S. or Israel negotiates for peace with Syria that this means the U.S. will withdraw support for Israel or that Israel will be exterminated. This is merely the incohate nightmare of someone who doesn’t trust in Israel’s power or Israel’s rightful place in the world which I do. Israel has a rightful place both in the ME & the world. But it can only achieve its place by acknowledging it is bound by international law to return to 67 borders which includes the return of the Golan to Syria in return for that country recognizing Israel & ending the state of war.

    Almost everyone in Israel & the U.S. except for George Bush, Ehud Olmert & you agree that this must happen.

  5. Yes, I agree. It is important to know history and to react appropriately to the bad things that happened in the past to ensure they don’t happen again. But I’m saying the past doesn’t necessarily repeat itself over & over again as so many Jewish people seem to believe. There are times when one must take risks & break away fr. past patterns of behavior in order to make a better world. That is the case imo betw. Israel & her neighbors.

    As for guessing yr age, it was a lucky guess. But the story you told seemed like it might’ve happened to someone at about that age. Plus, I myself have both bullied & been bullied around about that age as well.

  6. Well,I’ll try again…

    One cannot react to the past. One can only react to present circumstances and prepare to react to future ones whenever they become the present circumstances. To say that the past “doesn’t necessarily repeat itself” is to ignore the possibility that it might. When the consequences of a repetition are extremely dire then one must adopt worst case reasoning. That is a good scientific algorithm!

    In 1933 many Jewish Germans spoke as you do now: “It can’t happen here” was an all too common attitude. But of course it DID happen there. Why then should it not happen in a place where Israel’s neighbors insist that it can – and will – happen; because they are actively preparing to MAKE it happen?

    It is not only the Jewish people who must – and do – behave this way. Preparations for self defense are ongoing throughout Europe and the United States. I do not see Russia, for instance, negotiating with the terrorists who, weekly, create havoc in the streets of Moscow and elsewhere inside that nation. What would you have them do? Offer Danegeld to the terrorists? Seems to me a man named Chamberlain tried that once.

    Rudyard Kipling was quite right when he said “Once you have paid out the Danegeld you will never get rid of the Dane.”

    I sense, Jonah, that you may be a kindly person who would like to see a peaceful planet emerge from all the present bloodshed but that sort of thing has never occured inside the world’s history… This is not, I fear, a gentle world and we must deal with it as it exists, not as we would wish it to be.

  7. In 1933 many Jewish Germans spoke as you do now: “It can’t happen here”

    You may not have intended this but frankly I resent yr implication that I am like a totally assimialted German Jew with my head stuck in the sand believing that evil cannot strike. I know full well that evil can strike. But the point is: do you embrace the evil of a status quo that provides for endless bloodshed against yr people & their neighbors; or do you reach out for a future in which yr people have a chance to live within limits, but at peace w. their neighbors.

    Why then should it not happen in a place where Israel’s neighbors insist that it can – and will – happen; because they are actively preparing to MAKE it happen?

    Again, Stanley you are speaking from traumatized Jewish fear and not fr. any real understanding of what is really happening in the ME. THere is aboslutely no chance for any Israeli enemy to harm Israel in any existential way. Israel will not be vanquished or exterminated or anything of the sort. To believe that this is possible not only flies in the face of reality, it also blinds you to the real options for peace that Israel could embrace if it were only bold enough to do so.

    My son’s name is Jonah, not mine. He doesn’t blog yet.

    that sort of thing has never occured inside the world’s history

    Human beings have never lived at peace w. ea. other? Jews have never enjoyed peace with their neighbors? How little you know about world & Jewish history.

  8. RE: “I resent”

    H.G. Wells once said that “People who resent the opinions of others should not ask for their commentary.”

    I AGREE.

  9. should not ask for their commentary

    Instead of trying to understand my feelings of resentment for yr low rhetorical blow you quote a statement which makes it appear that I solicited yr commentary here. Anyone is able to comment here as you have. But that doesn’t mean I invited yr commentary.

  10. Stanley. Was that eight year old boy who called you a dirty jew and then got punished by his father who made him apologze Edward Derijan?

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