10 thoughts on “Kronos Quartet Performs ‘Tusen Tankar’ by Swedish Folk Ensemble Triakel – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Bonjour!

    My name is Anaïs, I live in Montreal Canada. I heard Kronos quartet’s show on Radio Canada a few months ago and also fell under the spell of ‘Tusen Tankar’. I taped the show and listened to it a few times with great delight. I was pregnant during those listenings. My daughter has arrived 2 months ago and seems to have been touched by the music. ‘A thousand thoughts’ is one of the very few tunes that will calm her down when she’s crying. Thank you for the information about the song. I’ve been looking for the quartet’s version but no luck. Triakel’s version is wonderful. Thank you for helping me discover a new group!
    I’m also happy to have found your blog and to know that I’m part of a great community of shared values of love, respect, kindness, peace and curiosity towards the world.

    Have a great day!


    Anaïs Pilon

  2. Anais: You’ve made my day. Thanks so much for your wonderful comments. I hadn’t even thought of using the song to comfort my 18 month old twins. I’ll have to try that!

    Pls. come round & visit again. I look forward to hearing fr. you.

    BTW, Kronos’ management wrote to me that the ensemble has not yet recorded Tusen Tankar. I urged him to get them to do so pronto!

  3. I saw Kronos in Portsmouth NH last spring, and my heart just about broke when they played Tusen Tankar. I, too, immediately went to look for a Kronos recording of it, but I guess it is yet to come…


  4. Hi!

    I was looking up for college friends in google and Anaïs Pilon was one of them. I know it’s totally out of the topic, but if you still have her email adresse, could you ask her to write back to me ? I would really-really-really appreciate. We studdied in Sherbrooke and I had her dad as techer Louis Pilon. I did my university in different place and a post degree at Lund universitet…. jag pratar lite svensk!

    Tack så mycket

  5. They’ve recorded it… if you buy their Terry Riley CD you get a bonus download recording of Tusen Tankar. Well worth it.

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