Two of the most arresting, visionary Israeli-Palestinian peace campaigners, Sari Nusseibeh and Ami Ayalon, will bring their peace proposals to a University of Washington audience on Thursday, October 23rd at 7:30 PM in Kane Hall. Anyone who has any interest in Mideast peace or the future of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples should hear their wise words of counsel.
Those of us interested in an equitable solution to this conflict that honors the national aspirations of both sides do not have many who carry the banner as well as these do. Both are accomplished former servants of their respective governments and communities and have held positions of considerable power within their respective political systems. It is all the more amazing that they have found common ground on such a contentious and divisive issue as this.
Nusseibeh is the president of Al Kuds University in Abu Dis (East Jerusalem) and Ami Ayalon is the former head of the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal intelligence agency. Their peace plan, striking in its simplicity and far-sightedness, calls for a two-state solution to the conflict within pre-1967 borders (allowing for modest alterations as determined by negotiations between both parties), recognition of Jerusalem as an open city and capital of two states, and for a financial solution to the issue of the Right of Return. Read their Declaration of Principles. The two have an Israeli website, The Peoples’ Voice Mifkad L’Umi and a Palestinian website, People’s Campaign for Peace And Democracy.