News sources report that Israel continues to dismantle unauthorized settlements in accordance with the mandates of the Road Map. Yet at the same time, Israel prosecutes a policy of extermination against Hamas and its militants. This seems like schizoid behavior. Israel must be telling Abu Mazen: “We DO want to make peace with you. Look at what we’re doing in dismantling settlements. As for Hamas, we will eliminate them completely. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want to make peace!”
Well, I’m sorry–you can’t pursue an overall policy of pursuing peace, while at the same time trying to eliminate an entire sector of your “enemy’s” population. It just doesn’t work that way. Only one person and one entity can eliminate Hamas and that is Abu Mazen & the PA. I completely understand Israel’s frustration that he isn’t doing more to physically confront them. But if he doesn’t do it no one can. If my enemy kills me, it only makes my cause stronger. Only my brother can tell me I am wrong and compel me to change my path.
Israel’s right wing believes that Israel CAN eliminate Hamas. But Israel’s been trying to do this for THREE YEARS & more! Has the violence stopped or even abated? No. Our goal should be to strengthen & empower Abu Mazen and Dahlan so that they can do the job themselves.