3 thoughts on “Shimon Peres, The Man Who Would Be President – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Shimon Peres was the prime architect of the Oslo Agreements and gets the credit for everything that has since come out of it. I believe he was also the first in the Labor Party to demand that Israel give up the Golan Heights. I would think that you would support him. Why don’t you?

  2. Shimon Peres was the prime architect of the Oslo Agreements and gets the credit for everything that has since come out of it.

    Yossi Beilin conceived & executed Oslo with the help of other then Labor Party leaders. Beilin was a trusted aide of Peres at the time (though they have long since drifted apart politically). Peres no doubt supported Beilin’s efforts. But to assign credit to Peres is a misstatement of facts.

    I strongly doubt that Peres was the “first” in Labor to demand return of the Golan. I’d like to see a source supporting this claim before I concede it is true.

    I have already written about my feelings about Shimon Peres in this blog & don’t want to write everything a 2nd time. Basically, Peres was a formidable figure at one time both for good and bad within Israeli politics. Without Peres, there likely would never have been a strong settler movement. This is one of his worst contributions. But earlier in his career he was a valuable political figure who represented positive political values.

    He has long since ceased serving such a function. He is now a political opportunist who has no definable political agenda or specific set of values. He is a survivalist who clutches for power because that is how he defines his worth. He no longer defines his worth by achieving a specific goal or agenda like an I-P peace agreement. All this is most unfortunate & renders him irrelevant to Israel’s present & future.

    In addition, Colette Avital is a youngish, vibrant progressive Labor party leader whom I admire.

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