3 thoughts on “Secret 1967 Israeli Foreign Ministry Memo Argued Settlements Violated Geneva Convention – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Sadly, Gorenberg is right and so are you. This was a slippery slope where those with a particular viewpoint were able to push forward with their interests and with the tacit support of a variety of governments. I understand and agree with wanting to go back to Hebron, Gush Etzion and certainly East Jerusalem and its environs. However, other than Jerusalem and possibly Gush Etzion, I disagree with doing it and it has been a disaster for Israel to be in those territories.

    Ironically, for the first years, this presence of the Israelis benefited the Palestinians who watched their standard of living improve considerably with higher per capita income and far better mortality rates. But as the intifadah of 1987 showed, nobody wants to live under somebody else’s thumb without a right to self-determination.

  2. Hey bucko, better watch out! You’re becoming to damn convivial. I even agree with your entire comment!! Think of it!

    Sorry, that was snarky & I apologize. I meant it to be humorous & hope it came across so. I’m really delighted that we could agree on something, especially something as important as this damned settlement enterprise.

  3. Hey bucko, better watch out! You’re becoming too damn convivial. I even agree with your entire comment!! Think of it!

    Sorry, that was snarky & I apologize. I meant it to be humorous & hope it came across so. I’m really delighted that we could agree on something, especially something as important as this damned settlement enterprise.

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