Western Wall: Nexus for Gender and Religious-Nationalist ConflictThis week, Israel’s far-right government acceded to its ultra-Orthodox coalition partners and torpedoed a compromise years in...
liberal zionism
Hillel International: Who’s Afraid of Breaking the Silence?At one time, campus Hillels were home to college students exploring their Jewish identity in all its...
J Street Blackwashes Israeli Apartheid, Supports West Bank InvestmentThese are hard times for the liberal Zionist group, J Street. It had bet all its money...
Bernie, Reinstate Simone ZimmermanBernie Sanders just made a bone-headed move. Two days ago, he hired Simone Zimmerman, past national student president...
Likud Central Committee Members Steal Palestinian Homes, Expel OwnersTal Schneider, Israel’s leading political blogger, broke a major story yesterday about the Hebron homes stolen and...
Israel Murders Palestinian Granny on Her Way to Lunch in Hail of BulletsYesterday, Israeli forces in Hebron assassinated a 73 year-old Palestinian woman who was driving to her sister’s...
New PressTV Interview on Israeli “Peace” Rally and Mint Press Article on Kerry Al Aqsa “Deal”Last weekend, I did an interview with PressTV about the Israeli “peace rally” in Tel Aviv. 3,000-6,000...
Israel: the New Political ApartheidThe “A” word is anathema in pro-Israel circles. It’s about as bad as the “N” (Nakba) word...
Israeli Election and Fallacy of a Liberal VictoryAmerican media outlets have been filled with speculation that the budding alliance between Tzipi Livni’s Ha’Tenuah and...
The Two Faces of Liel (Leibovitz)NOTE: I called Liel Leibovitz several times, e-mailed him twice, tweeted and sent him a Facebook message...
Haaretz Censors Interview Reporter Conducted With MeAbout two weeks ago, Debra Nussbaum-Cohen sent me an urgent e-mail saying she was on deadline for...
Someone Tell Amos Schocken, Israel Isn’t a “Constitutional Democracy”One of my betes noire is the pablum pawned off on Jews and non-Jews by liberal Zionists,...