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Lady, Need a Good Stress-Reliever?



"The Chairman"


What's a thousand of so dead Jews amongst friends? Ya' gotta Give Peace a Chance, right? So when the going gets tough, those tough Leftist Jew chicks really get going. And NOTHING quite gets them going like a Palestinian dildo!

Recent Satisfied Customer:

Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg

Original Email to
"Your website is the worst thing that Jewish civilization has ever produced. I only hope that your have [???] is only directed through this website and not towards your family members. I can only imagine what abuse people in your personal lives suffer because your anger is far deeper that being political."

After Yohanna ordered the Gazan Gagger, she emailed us the following:
"How can I ever thank you for your patience and understanding. I thought you had a the problem but it was I who was uptight!  In fact, REAL uptight! But after ordering the Gazan Gagger  from your fine website and giving myself a good jolt, I'm a new woman. Keep up the great work on behalf of Israel."
                       Love xxooxxooxx,  Johanna
NEW  Audio Testimony


The Chairman. Suha's favorite! (Also known as The Suha Slimline)
q The Amazin' Abu-Mazen
q The Ramallah Ramrod
q The Hamas Hammer
q The Gazan Gagger
q The Monster Mohammed
q The Palestinian Prober
q The Barghouti Banger
q The Jihad Jolter
q  Ahmed's Anal Action
q Oslooooooo Good!!!
q The Double Dagger (A favorite of the Oslo and Road Map crowd)

All Models Are Available at the Peres Peace Center.
Order while supplies last.


In Need of

(It's no wonder a self-respecting Jewish man would have nothing to do with them!)

* Hold pointer over each photo *

Nothing Quite Says "Right To Self-Determination" Like A Palestinian Dildo
Allegra Pacheco is an American-born Israeli attorney claims that Israel's closure of Arab areas (to prevent infiltration of Arab terrorists!) is an indisputable violation of international law and that Israel MUST ensure the welfare of the occupied population. Amira Hass, an Israeli journalist, moved to the Gaza Strip to cover the Palestinian side of the peace process. And why not? She never gave a s**t about the Israeli side of anything! She views Israel as a colonial power and an oppressor of her friends, the Jew-murdering Arabs. Dr Ariella Azoulay condemns the brutal policy of the Israeli government aimed at destroying the Palestinian society, the Palestinian economy and the elected Palestinian leadership headed by President Yasser Arafat. She also considers the erection of concrete security walls (she calls them‘apartheid walls’) and fences a further devices toward the "ethnic cleansing" against the Palestinian people. Elizabeth Spelke is a Harvard University Professor of Psychology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. She is appalled by the human rights abuses against Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli government, the continual Israeli military occupation and colonization and and the forcible eviction from and demolition of Palestinian homes, towns and cities. Her solution is for Israel to cease building new settlements and to vacates existing settlements. [God help Prof. Spelke's patients!!!]  
Pacheco, Hass, Azoulay, Spelke

Nothing Quite Says "End the Occupation" Like A Palestinian Dildo
Jessi Roemer, (writer, teacher, U.S. and Israeli citizen) is yet another friggin' Leftist Jewish intellectual, calling for the suspension of all aid to Israel.  Julia Caplan of Berkeley, California (where else!) was one of the founders of Jewish Voices for Peace. In short, she is personally outraged by Israel's recent invasion of Palestinian territory and by George Bush's complicity in the criminal actions of Ariel Sharon's government. She is also outraged by the ongoing injustice of occupying Palestinian lands and oppressing Palestinian people. Apparently suicidal-homicidal Arab bombers don't factor into her outrage. Prof. Lillian Robinson, member of Palestinian and Jewish Unity condemns Israel's failure to exist in reciprocity with the other nations of the region and reject the claim that Israel acts in the name of the Jewish people. She is a professor at Montreal's Concordia University where Arabs have taken over and see to it that pro-Israeli speakers are not welcome. She wrote an opinion piece that was published in the Montreal Gazette on February 26, 2001. In it, she outlines atrocities that Israel is supposedly committing against the Palestinian people. Not only are her comments riddled with blatantly twisted and erroneous facts, she claims to be offended that people assume that Israel, a "foreign power", belongs to "us", meaning Jews around the world. Apparently, Ms. Robinson neither supports nor even wants to be associated with Israel. It's time to put THIS old mare out to pasture!!!  ClickThis Photo !
Roemer, Caplan, Robinson, Bennis

Nothing Quite Says "Stop Illegal Settlements" Like A Palestinian Dildo
 Penny Rosenwasser is Assistant Director of the Middle East Children's Alliance in Berkeley, California (where else!). She was among the protestors who successfully prevented former Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, from speaking on his lecture series throughout California. She has led several fact-finding, humanitarian delegations to "Palestine" and showed slides from her trips. These included slides of: Palestinian homes destroyed by Israeli bulldozers, Israeli roadblocks in the Occupied Territories; children at the Palestinian Counseling Center where Arab children traumatized by violence. Looks like she found the non-nation of "Palestine" but never quite made it to Israel! Rosenwasser routinely condemns the Israeli occupation of "Palestinian" lands, the bombing of "Palestinian" cities, the assassination of "Palestinian" citizens (hey, even Jew-murdering Arabs have rights too!!) , the curfews, the roadblocks and the demolition of Palestinian homes and olive orchards. She is convinced it is this kind of humiliation drives Palestinian mamas to strap TNT vests unto their little Hitlers. Trude, Bennett, Associate Professor of the Department of Maternal and Child Health at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She agrees with the Jewish Voices Against the Occupation demanding, an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, a complete evacuation of all the settlements, a return to the pre-1967 borders, the immediate deployment of an international peace-keeping force in the occupied territories and the suspension of military aid to Israel until the end of occupation. Looks like Ms. Bennett doesn't give a s**t about the Israeli childrens' health once Israel she and her anti-Jewish friends have Israel reduced to an indefensible sliver! Rabbi Ellen Lippmann leads a Los Angeles synagogues serving primarily gay, lesbian, and bisexual Jews. Rabbi Ellen Lippmann wants Israel to evacuate all settlements, wants the establishment of a "Palestinian" state based on the pre-1967 borders, the establishment and recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of both states and that Israel acknowledge her share of responsibility for the plight of Palestinian refugees ... especially gay and lesbian "Palestinians" Perhaps the rabbi would prefer a dildo with Hanan Ashwari's golden tongue tattood on it! Alise Solomon ... Click Photo!
Rosenwasser, Bennett, Edwards, Solomon

Nothing Quite Says "Peace and Justice" Like A Palestinian Dildo
Shulamit Aloni, teacher, lawyer, journalist, former Far-Leftist Member of Knesset (Meretz) and a government minister. [One big disaster rolled into one!] She founded and participated in a number of pro-peace organizations, and was one of the pioneers of the International Center for Peace in the Middle East. She has joined with Palestinians, including Hanan Ashrawi, creating The Jerusalem Center for Women. Since Aloni is one of Israel’s best known champions of human and civil rights, the spotlight is always on her when she participates in acts of resistance, including her recent efforts to help boycott goods produced by Jewish settlements. She has been quoted as saying, "We do not have gas chambers and crematoria, but there is no one fixed method for genocide."And speaking of [Arab] genocide against her own Jewish people, Aloni refused to condemn Arafat for any of his actions or inactions during the opening years of "Oslo" violence. "Don't put [Prime Minister] Netanyahu and Arafat as equals," Aloni said. "One's the oppressor and the other is under occupation ...What could he do?"  And THIS broad was a Jewish member of the Knesset?  With Leftist losers like this in government, G-d help the Jewish State! Prof. Tanya Reinhart argues that her Israeli government launched a holy war against the "Palestinians." A Jewish Jihad, I suppose! She also said Israel has become the land of apartheid but that the South African apartheid regime never engaged in the sort of repression Israel is inflicting on the Palestinians! Further, "the present ethnic cleansing is, as long as the occupation continues, the Palestinian resistance will continue as well, and as everyone knows, nothing can stop desperate people from turning to terror." She is also pained by what the IDF did in Jenin. " I don't have the words yet to speak about my shame, my horrible pain for the Palestinian people!" I guess Ms. Reinhart is able to control any vestige of "horrible pain" as it relates to the murder of her fellow Israeli by the Arab terrorist who used Jenin as their base of operation! ANd how does she feel about the Gaza Strip?" Well, she sees it as a "Penal Colony." And what about the Jew-murdering Arabs?  "When you leave people no hope, there is no way to stop the madness of suicide bombing." Ms. Reinhart needs a "Palestinian" dildo with a lit fuse attached to it! Yael Dayan, like her father, is a leftist traitor. One of the ugliest women ever created, she makes Janet Reno and Ruth Bader-Ginsburg look like two Miss Americas. even her deep throaty voice makes "The Bullfrog" Hanan Ashwari sound like a saprano! A notorious lesbian, Yael once wrapped the PLO terrorist flag around her hideous body and danced with it in the Knesset. She was the very first Knesset member to have met with the Jew-murdering terrorist Arafat...nearly giving him the old "Zeig Heil"...and prodded her nation to live up to the deadly Oslo accords. "I will certainly invite pressure to stop any obstacle to peace. [1--2-96] Yael Dayan was the chief lobbyist in the Knesset for animal rights and for homosexual rights. Too bad she never fought for the right of Jews to live in their own country! Rita Hauser's International Center for Peace in the Middle East repeatedly held meetings with Palestinian Arab terrorists, in contravention of Israeli law. Rita and four Jewish colleagues met with Yasser Arafat in Sweden in 1988 and issued a joint statement with Arafat which they claimed proved that Arafat had become moderate... in effect, "kosher." This meeting was the spark that led to the Oslo Accords and the death of over 1,350 Israelis!  However, Hauser saw it differentl;y. Speaking at the June 1989 convention of the National Association of Arab-Americans, Hauser "praised the Palestinian people's willingness to sacrifice for their cause." Hauser signed a New York Times advertisement (January 3, 1988) sponsored by Friends of Peace Now which "called upon the Israeli government and the Palestinian leadership to renounce violence"--falsely implying that Israel and the PLO were equally guilty of illegitimate violence. Even the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) urged President Bush to refrain from choosing Rita Hauser as the next American ambassador to the United Nations, in view of Hauser's long record of extremist positions and actions. Women In Black New York stand in silent vigil to protest war, rape as a tool of war, ethnic cleansing and human rights abuses all over the world. So naturally they protest the worst crime in the history of all mankind... the Israeli occupation of "Palestine!" Lucky for them... group discounts are available on all Palestinian dildos.
Aloni, Reinhart, Dayan, Hauser, "Woman in Black"

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